Schema Central  >  LEXS 3.1.4  >  codes.xsd  >  lexscodes:AdvisoryCategoryCodeType
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LEXS Warning and Error categories list.  Note that some warnings might become errors.  For example, if an unsupported element is provided in a search query and that is the only element provided, the query cannot be processed and the result should be an error; versus an unsupported element that can be ignored with the result based on remaining elements.

Complex type information


Schema document: codes/3.1/codes.xsd

NIEM Properties:


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      NetworkFailureNetwork failure (e.g.. cannot contact service provider)
      InvalidResponseInvalid Response (response from service provider cannot be processed)
      InvalidRequestInvalid Request (service provider could not process incoming request)
      TimeoutTimeout (service provider did not respond in allotted time)
      BusinessRuleNotMetBusiness Rules Not Met (e.g. service provider requires SSN in query, but query did not provide SSN value)
      NextPreviousNotSupportedNext/Previous Not Supported
      StructuredSearchNotSupportedStructured Search Not Supported (structured search submitted, but service provider or data source only support unstructured searches)
      UnstructuredSearchNotSupportedUnstructured Search Not Supported (unstructured search submitted, but service provider or data source only support structured searches)
      FuzzyMatchNotSupportedFuzzy Match Not Supported
      WildcardNotSupportedWildcards Not Supported (service provider does not support wildcard queries in unstructured searches)
      LogicalOperatorsNotSupportedLogical Operators Not Supported (service provider does not support logical AND/OR queries in unstructured searches)
      PhrasesNotSupportedPhrases Not Supported (service provider does not support exact phrase queries in unstructured searches)
      InvalidAttachmentRequestedInvalid Attachment Requested (service provider received request for invalid attachment)
      InvalidDataItemRequestedInvalid Data Item Requested (service provider received getDataItem request for data item that does not exist)
      OtherErrorOther Error (for errors that don't fall into categories above)
      QueryObjectNotSupportedUnsupported Query Object (e.g. query was on vehicle and service provider doesn't handle vehicles)
      QueryFieldNotSupportedUnsupported Query Field (e.g. query was on SSN and service provider doesn't include SSN)
      QueryOperatorNotSupportedUnsupported Query Operator (e.g. query included a wildcard and service provider only does exact)
      QuantityMismatchQuantity Mismatch (user asked for maximum # of hits, service provider supplied different #)
      PointerInformationOnlyPointer Information Only (service provider can only return contact information for follow-up, but no data)
      MultipleValuesNotSupportedMultiple Values Not Supported (search query included multiple values for a search field, but service provider only supports single values)
      OtherWarningOther Warning (other issues that don't fall into above categories)


s:id [0..1]xsd:IDThe id attribute is used to define XML IDs for NIEM objects. These IDs may be targets of reference elements, metadata attributes, and link metadata attributes.from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
s:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSThe attribute metadata allows an object to point to metadata that affects itself.from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
s:linkMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSThe linkMetadata attribute allows an element to point to metadata that affects the relationship between the context and the value of the object.from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

Used in

Type inheritance chain