Schema Central > IC-TDF > IC-TDF.xsd > tdf:Base64BinaryStatement
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Intended for holding base64binary statement values such as a file or other binary encoded data.

Element information

Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:tdf

Schema document: IC-TDF/IC-TDF.xsd

Type: tdf:Base64BinaryValueType

Properties: Local, Qualified


  • xsd:base64Binary
  • Attributes

    tdf:mediaType [0..1]tdf:MediaTypeType An attribute for expressing the mediaType of an object as defined in RFC 4288.
    tdf:filename [0..1]xsd:string This is the filename of the payload.
    tdf:isEncrypted [0..1]xsd:boolean Used to denote if contents are encrypted. When this optional attribute is absent, it is assumed to be false.

    Used in

    Sample instance

    <tdf:Base64BinaryStatement tdf:isEncrypted="false">VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJpbmFyeSBzdGF0ZW1lbnQ=</tdf:Base64BinaryStatement>

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